Found a bug: Its name is "Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem"

Since the whole game doesn´t work properly you can call it a giant bug.

Replies: 9

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

spam steam for refunds... we desrve it.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Well, i think the game itself (if you look past all the bugs, so the remaining 1% of it) is great.
Its just that releasing the game in literally untested Alpha shouldn´t be done.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Shittiest game release of all time. Every passing minute another bug appears. What a fucking waste of time and money.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

I'm done trying to even get past the Heimlock freeze bug. Maybe if thats ever fixed I'll log back on.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Wolcen Studio's need to honor everyone who wants a refund, a refund, and drop this piece of shit game back into early access.

Honestly this game should be removed from steam, it is full on false advertising at this point. The game is nothing more than ideas at 40.00 dollars, I thought I was buying a game that was releasing as a finished product; however it is still mid-alpha.

Wolcen studio's is laughing all the way to the bank.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Just asked for a refund. Maybe it'll work. If this game is fixed in the future, I will eventually come back to it. For now, the new Grim Dawn patch is out so...bye !

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Stop whining, and no, you don't deserve a refund, they did not scam you by making you believe that their product was made by god himself and could not contain any bug, all games have bugs, some more than others and this is a small struggling indie company and which started with a kickstarter project!

Content-wise, they delivered what was advertised, a finished product! Yes, there are bugs, yes, some games came out with even more bugs, it happens, and then patches come out! It is not intentionnal, they just did their best! Are you a human?

If you have to look for a culprit, see with a mirror, no one forced you to buy this game or gothic 3 and rather than speaking like a spoiled brat who buys a game with expectations that are disconnected from any reality and then wanting the world to adapt to his delusions, you should see your investment as supporting that small indie crew and just hope that they manage to make this (already awesome) ARPG better with time, ressource and lots of patches!


Also, stop with the blackmailing like "POE's new league is coming" or "grim dawn's patch is out", no one gives a damn if you play something else and that mentality of thinking that just because you point to some other game you might trigger some jealousy and manipulate the devs into doing your bidding just make you look like the ass you are!

BTW, did you ever code ONE line in your life? I guess not, for you wouldn't think this way if you had!

(Edited 4 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Stop whining, and no, you don't deserve a refund, they did not scam you by making you believe that their product was made by god himself and could not contain any bug, all games have bugs, some more than others and this is a small struggling indie company and which started with a kickstarter project!

Content-wise, they delivered what was advertised, a finished product! Yes, there are bugs, yes, some games came out with even more bugs, it happens, and then patches come out! It is not intentionnal, they just did their best! Are you a human?

If you have to look for a culprit, see with a mirror, no one forced you to buy this game or gothic 3 and rather than speaking like a spoiled brat who buys a game with expectations that are disconnected from any reality and then wanting the world to adapt to his delusions, you should see your investment as supporting that small indie crew and just hope that they manage to make this (already awesome) ARPG better with time, ressource and lots of patches!


Also, stop with the blackmailing like "POE's new league is coming" or "grim dawn's patch is out", no one gives a damn if you play something else and that mentality of thinking that just because you point to some other game you might trigger some jealousy and manipulate the devs into doing your bidding just make you look like the ass you are!

BTW, did you ever code ONE line in your life? I guess not, for you wouldn't think this way if you had!

Dd Original Comment

I do deserve a refund, this company doesn't deserve a fucking dime.

This isn't a complete game, hell the forums are not even fully functional yet.

Stop defending shit practices in the gaming industry.

Do I code? No and I don't pretend to like these pricks.

Do I test? A fuck ton more than Wolcen does, that is for fucking sure.

(Edited 4 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Stop whining, and no, you don't deserve a refund, they did not scam you by making you believe that their product was made by god himself and could not contain any bug, all games have bugs, some more than others and this is a small struggling indie company and which started with a kickstarter project!

Content-wise, they delivered what was advertised, a finished product! Yes, there are bugs, yes, some games came out with even more bugs, it happens, and then patches come out! It is not intentionnal, they just did their best! Are you a human?

If you have to look for a culprit, see with a mirror, no one forced you to buy this game or gothic 3 and rather than speaking like a spoiled brat who buys a game with expectations that are disconnected from any reality and then wanting the world to adapt to his delusions, you should see your investment as supporting that small indie crew and just hope that they manage to make this (already awesome) ARPG better with time, ressource and lots of patches!


Also, stop with the blackmailing like "POE's new league is coming" or "grim dawn's patch is out", no one gives a damn if you play something else and that mentality of thinking that just because you point to some other game you might trigger some jealousy and manipulate the devs into doing your bidding just make you look like the ass you are!

BTW, did you ever code ONE line in your life? I guess not, for you wouldn't think this way if you had!

Dd Original Comment

Anyone that wants a refund should get it, but we won't. They had plenty of time to finish this game and I'm afraid "doing their best" wasn't good enough unfortunately for the buyer. They aren't even communicating with the community. Someone shouldn't have to code to justify your shit excuse either...that is why people PAID them to do it and are pissed because they clearly suck at it. If they had been honest about the state of the game and not called it "full release" they wouldn't be getting this reaction from 90% of the people stuck with this pile of shit. Seems convenient they made the game work just well enough to screw people out of the 2 hour playtime refund on steam lol. Most of the really bad issues show up at the end of the game.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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