Game can't handle more than 2 people in the same game during combat


We tested again a expedition 163 with 4 people yesterday (1 archer, 1 warrior, 2 mages), we packed maybe 5 or 6 dozens of mobs and started to burst them. It took maybe 1 or 2 seconds before everything was desynchronized. It took around 60 seconds of complete freeze for everybody (with good computer specs by the way) before the popup showed up in front of the 4 players : "Disconnected from server" (we were all connected to the same Frankfurt server by default)

We constantly have to split into a maximum of 2 players per expedition, and even with only 2, desync can be achieved more or less everytime there are more than 20 mobs in the fight.

Your game can't simply handle the calculation of all the damages, spreading ailments, knockbacks and other visual effect. The only way to avoid this communication issue with the servers is to play alone... and even in single player mode, we are still able to "make the game suffer" with some builds.

This should be a priority, as it become really complicated to progress in ascended level when you randomly dying during combat desync because you can't see and react to dangerous boss or chamion skill (like lighting bolt on the pacified punisher exoskeletons which result almost everytime in a death if not avoided in time).

The multiplayer synergy in this game is what I found lot more interesting than in Path fo Exile, where many builds need to farm alone in order to be viable and profitable enough. In Wolcen, you can use this synergy to avoid being alone in front of a boss with "Frost imbued", "Fire imbued", "Dome shield", "Tough" and "Regenaration", while you are using a fully elemental range spell build... At least, your teammate can be effective and use his physical and rend damages at close combat to defeat the boss.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

100% agree.

Its horrible we cant play together because when we pull more then 5 Mobs at the time the server freezes or the game die completly...
And how the game is actually tuned you have to pull a bunch of mobs into the final boss to kill him in a decent amount of time...

I had to ditch at least 5 builds, because the server wasnt able to handle it in high rifts like 160++. Its frustrating sometimes i just got a big lag for 1-10 sec and fell through the floor, or items fell through the floor etc.

Overall its just a miserable experience and i cant see a "quick" fix for it...

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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