game services timeout

Anyone have any idea when it will be possible to play online?
I've seen people play on twitch
But I can still only play in offline mode
Because when I try to start a game in online mode
If I get a message about game creation failed you game could not be created please try again later

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Hello Starkeorama
me and 5 friends sat frustratet 6 hours yesterday and kept hitting the create game / reconnect button. :-)
we eventually got in and had a blast. That does not solve Your problem.

I found that going in to settings and selecting another server manually instead of auto helped.
And when the game would not create then close down game completely try a few times then shut down again if still not working.
To me it seams that there are some leftover code or whatever that will not allow you to recreate a game. hence it tries and tries and tries.
Eventually it worked im lvl 9 online and looking foreward to getting home from work to play again :-)
Hope You get in soon.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

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