[GAMEBREAKING] "Increase damage per Ailment stack" bugged damge multiplier

The runes that says "Increases damage per Ailment stack" seemed very bugged. When I play alone without the rune I do around 30k per crit with the Bleeding edge, which is OK. Then I join my ailemnt build friend, and I suddenly crit 300-700K Crits. Thats way too much. There has the be something wrong about how you multiple the damange per ailment on those runes. Same goes for the "damage per ailment on the Bladestorm skill"

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

sounds like dumb design, on ailment build you can have even 30 stacks PER AILMENT TYPE so if you know how to combine skills you can get over 100 total ailment stacks easily

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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