Glitch with the passive "Faith leech"

Heya, currently trying to build something forceshield based with the node "Masochistic effigy" That reduces max health to 5% but doubles the forceshield.

Not sure if its important but it might be related. Basically the last passive i skilled was Faith Leech which changes life leech to forceshield leech and ever since i skilled that last passive skill, everytime i use the skill "Bulwark of the dawn" (Round healing area spell) with the damaging Skill modifier, if it hits an enemy it resets my force shield from 14k down to 0 and regenerates it. Basically puts me in extreme danger of dying instead of damaging and healing.

I'm sure this is a bug that shouldnt happen. If i use "Bulwark of the dawn" without hitting anything it doesnt reset my forceshield but as soon as it deals damage, it resets my forceshield to 0 leaving me with 600-ish HP.

I noticed that Anomaly (Pull pool) triggers the weaken ailment of sacred damage since i'm running a build like that shown in the picture down there added. Basically that way the passive killing off things that were hit by the sacred damage that deals sacred damage resets sometimes my forceshield to 0.

Picture of skilltree:

Im assuming its something about the passives or the sacred damage being dealt.

Hope this'll get solved or at least noted for now, since i have by far not enough points to reset this pretty much "character ruining bug".


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Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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