Gold no longer drops as a Summoner Class

I recently swapped my build from a projectile spellcaster to a summoner spellcaster using Feeding Swarm, Hunting Swarm, Liver Mortis, and Parasite. Since swapping to a summoner playstyle, I've been unable to gain any gold from destroying boxes, crates, and other debris as I could before. It's possible that it's due to my minions destroying the boxes, as they count as entities separate from the player, but I've encountered this issue if I use my left click auto attack to destroy boxes. Not sure what the exact source of the lack of gold drops are, but it is concerning.

Hope this helps. If the problem persists, I'll try experimenting with different abilities until I can narrow the exact cause.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

UPDATE: After entering Monolith - Upper Halls, gold is now dropping again from boxes. During this time I replaced Bulwark's Generative Star with Boundless Cornucopia and added 1 passive: Scholar: Purifier's Will

I noticed the same issue with gold not dropping and I am using Scholar\Cabalist\Plaguebringer gates. I have been running with Livor Mortis almost the whole time and gold has dropped. I noticed it stop about Act 3 Republican Backline area. I would only get gold drops off of the yellow enemies or treasure chests, but not from boxes or regular enemies. At first I thought it may have been a connection issue so I logged to main menu, switched to Offline mode and then back to Online, but still the same issue.

The only passives I remember picking up during this time are the following:
Cabalist: Artefact Analysis
Cabalist: Immortal Offering
Plaguebringer: Muscle Stripped Raw (the one closest to Toxic Emanations)
Plaguebringer: Sacrifice of Flesh
Scholar: Steadfast
Scholar: Chemically Empowered Brain

Skills I have configured are:
Anomaly: Event Horizon, Echoes of Infinity, Rending Of Matter - this modifier being the only one on this skill that I changed since I noticed the issue
Aether Jump: Quantum Mind, Veil of Illusion, March of the Time Devourers
Bulwark of Dawn: Haven of Men, Generative Star, Inspiration, Divine Omnipresence - I have changed these skills around several times during this stint of play.
Consuming Embers: Arsonist's Daydream, Engulfing Desires, Heartpiercer, Exposing Flames - this being the only modifier to this skill that I have added recently.
Liver Mortis: Hateful Swords, The Gulf Before Us, Rot's Endless Stream, Hunger Pangs - I added this one recently.

Hopefully this info helps.

(Edited 4 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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