Gold Reset on Logout/Login. Lost 2-3 days of farming gold.

I spent the last 2 days gold farming 187 rifts. Would send out every mission from seekers garrison and stormfall trade assembly, then do a rift. I would sell every yellow i picked up, and was averaging about 100k per 5-10 minutes. Hit 6 million today, and on next login was reset to under 1 million.

This is incredibly frustrating. I know this has happened to many other people, but it seemed to be related somehow to trading before this.

Wolcen Devs really need to address this because nothing kills desire to play a game more than the loss of all progress.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues


there was no need for the gold robbing either given that there is no season or ladder system in place.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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