Heimlock BUG / Freeze / invincible / takes no Damage


There is another Bug with the Boss "heimlock" at the end of 3° Act.

When he change to second fase , and all his darky wings. Latelly i found he bugged some times.

meaning, he just stop/freeze , not attack, and not recieve damage.

He dont move, he dont attack, his force shield dosen't go down neither his Health bar no matter how many skills or power you use on him.

Literally he get there Freeze and invincible. The only option is quit the game and try again, but if this happen again.. then you never can pass the 3° act.

I read on reddit and other places this : "just don't use srasis or aether damage and you don't get the bug."

I got a mage, aether damage build... so maybe is that why .. i dont know. Even my staff hit on Aether damage.

I hope you guys could watch on this and find a solution. Anything i can help you to watch this incident or help you to try fix it just ask i will be glad to help.

King Regards.

Replies: 10

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

More info: I found this comment on reddit.

"To confirm avoiding stasis ailment and aether seems to let you kill him.

I had to swap annihilation over to poison damage, remove anomaly from my, build, and remove the modifier that adds stasis to the teleport skill, and that fixed it.

Took forever to kill him with a subpar build but.. it worked. Switch down to story difficulty as well to reduce his HP."

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Me and my wife got stuck on this bug as well. We basically had to stop playing to wait for a fix. Hopefully a fix comes soon.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Please give us a patch for that bug, alot of people have problems with that, including me now, tryed many times, but its the same every time, in hes second fase, something happends, and he do not take damage or move.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago


This is what i found on reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/Wolcen/comments/f7r4ri/heimlock_bug_freeze_invincible_takes_no_damage_or/

It's seems for the comments in there that the bug is with certain mechanics, like aliment and aether damage. Seems like for example warriors tank dosen't have that problem.

People on reddit is working arround their kills not to make him get bug, wich is not the idea of a great gameplay experience.

Myself now, as a totally caster mage , im trying to lvl up other skills to see if they dont make him BUG.

What i heard guys is that you can also can make a try, change to "story mode" to decrease the boss total health and make him easier to take. But well i hope wolcen studios can find a fix for this fast, so we can move on with the game.

Actually the user "Belsor.6588" is offering help freely to kill the boss. Seems like he help 50+ more people to killing him. You just had to add him and he will kill it with you fast before he got bugged. I'm trying to find him, but he seems not connected.

If any one can kill him easy and freely offer his help i will be glad to accept
My tag is: hitokkiri.0962

Thanks you all

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Also, dealing with this bug, Please fix.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Same problem here, i quit the game and restarted the fight 5 times, and the end result is the same at the second phase he stops moving and does not take any dps from any sources. You should change the name of the game to wolcen lords of bugs. Fix this

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Hello guys :

I found this 2 threads that could help us:

1) https://wolcengame.com/forum/gameplay/gameplay-help/confirmed-workaround-for-act-3-boss/
2) https://steamcommunity.com/app/424370/discussions/0/1744519865919348695/?ctp=15

Im waiting for some one to "taxi service" me trought act 3 .

pd: ill tried in story mode and it was being easily i manage to reach phase 3. FOR ME, looks like the "inmovilization/stun" skill is what made him bug. So DO NOT USE aniquilation, or anomaly, or aethereal jump, i was using fireball, normal hit, and some ice rock that fall from the sky. Seems too that NOT HITTING HIM when he is transforming is another key to make it work. When he is changing to his ascended mode, stop damage him until he start runing again.

Big hugs!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I'm so tired of this game and it's bugs. I finally got past the not being able to enter the zone by joining someone else who had the next portal.
Now I hit this bug which again keeps you from progressing to end game. I think I'll start programming my own game if all I have to do is code like this shit. bug has been here for almost a week and still they haven't done shit.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago


belsor.6588 is even more broken then the boss.

He add me to help me killing him , he killed him in 10 seconds, all the 3 phases. HE IS A BEAST. Never seen anything like that before.


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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