How to report bugs [Guide]

Hey all.

Seeing a lot of different threads where no one posts any details on any issue they have with their copy of the game, made me think, that it's time to make a guide on how to make a proper bug report. I haven't found another thread like this. Just wasn't sure of where to post it, but decided to post it in Bug Reports.

Right, lets get to it!

When reporting a bug, you should try and be as specific as possible. "Game crashed!" or Help! really doesn't help the developer pin-point the issue. They need to be able to reproduce it before they can fix it so they need all the details you've got.

Here's a list i use myself when I'm testing games, and from my experience it is best to be as detailed as possible, so when you want to report a bug, make sure that you include (in details):

1: What type of bug/issue it is. (e.g: My character fell through the map at X location)
2: When did it happen during game-play. (e.g: My character fell through the map at X location during Y quest part)
3: How often does it happen. (e.g: Every time i load and get to Y quest part in X location)
4: What type of hardware you're using.
5: What Operating System you use (e.g: Windows 7).

To make sure they get as much information as possible, you can also run a Direct X diagnostics (For Windows 10: Windows search ->; Type in dxdiag and click on the blue icon to run the program, then e-mail the developers the result which can be saved to any location as a text file (DxDiag.txt)).

Hopefully someone from the Wolcen team see this and pin it so others can read it, to make sure bugs are reported properly!

Thanks for reading, and thanks Wolcen team, for making an amazing game.

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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