impossible to finish expedition

cleared whole map 75% of bar done... last stage portal nr 3... waste of time, there is not enough mobs to finish expedition it is a desert map, it is empty from start... i can only exit the game. I'm glad S20 in D3 starts soon what a fucking joke of a game this is.

Replies: 6

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Here too, I got this 5 times in a row, this is shit shit shit, really?... 2 hours to the trash?... Really boys?...

(Edited 4 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago


Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

And again 1 more... Could you fix that please?... this is horrible... I only wants to finish a fucking rift... Pufff

(Edited 4 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Is that hard you to do more monsters density?...

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

and again...

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

And again 10 more times this weekend

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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