Bug summary

1.When invisible, some monsters can still target me with abilities.
2. Can´t increase legendary item quality. First increased item rarity of the item and tried to increase item quality afterwards, which is not working. The problem only exists with legendary items, and since the descriptions says: "any item´s quality".. this looks like a bug to me.
On the other hand, why should i increase the quality of legendary items? Is this was intended... the whole thing is quite useless.
3. Massiv FPS drops and Ping increase when loading expedition screen and each time i get into difficulty 2 and 3.
4. Abilites of boss monster can pull me back in it´s reach, even though i dodged or i was way out of reach.
5. Toughness increases avarage damage(?), this does not seem right.

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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