Is it suppose to be like this staff of wolcen?

everyone gotta go melee skill to actually be able to compete, since 2 sskill in melee skill deal all the dmg, its no builds here more then 1 build to actually
be able to compete with the real endgame....

the skills im talking about is Bleeding Edge, Flight of Gaavanir and Juggernaut .... i mean all OP nodos is build around those skills, they can go full block, deal millions of dmg in 1 second and take zero dmg.

Warpath - charge over half map within some second.......

what is the actually point of playing anything else then an 1h wep + shield to get max block and then go full hp and just spam kill everything since even if they put all points in HP they 1hit everything...

I guess its no point playing an unbalanced game like this, since everything seem to focus on 1 singel "type" melee.

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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