Lambach & Her Tentacles


There is a bugged interaction between summons and both Lambach's tentacles that she spawns from the ground (the ones during the latter part of act 2 that summon minions) and part two of the Lambach fight itself.

Summons pretend they don't exist. Golems, melee zombies, ranged zombies and units captured with parasite just stand around not punching or firing or interacting in any way.

This seems be linked with any target that parasite itself deems as "untargettable". So I can't use it at all on Lambach part 2, while I could in part 1, and I can't use it on the tentacles. This leaves me with nothing to do except left click attack them because the only other offensive spell I run is anomoly, which isn't snazzy against bosses.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

act 2 boss (Lambach) the minions sometimes do not spawn or they get stuck in the floor this happens in parts 1 and 2. sometimes my hits do not hit the boss or her minions, when clicking away from boss or minions it does not work i have to spam my left mouse button. and also spaming my healing urn which is (Q) by default also does not work proper. also when i find chests and beating powerful mini bosses i always get low level gear. i always have to buy with in game coin for better gear. i don't know if this is a bug. main content needs to be fixed. i really love playing this game. i hope to see the main base of the game fixed before i get to act 4 and 5 whenever this come out and hopefully more main story is in the works in the future. thanks wolcen team< keep the updates coming.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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