Minions don't spawn after your latest "patch".

How about you hang the gloves and just admit defeat. This game is going nowhere :) This is just getting embarrassing as you are trying to fix something you could not fix in past 360 days prior to release. At this point for ever step forward you are taking two steps back. If you keep braking the game with every "major" patch every 10 days than what the fuck are you expecting to achieve? When will you admit that you are out of your depth and call for help. Just call for help. At this point you need charity of extremely good programmers to pin point every single mistake in code and fix this mess you've made over past few years.

You should gather your balls and just be strait forward with your "community" cause they are leaving this sinking ship really fast.

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Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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