Monsters not attacking the direction they're facing

This has been happening since launch and I wrote it off to server latency. It still may be that however. When I fight a boss or any mob who has a large aoe attack, using my anomoly or tear of ethiliel, it causes them to bug out. They never actually attack in the direction they are facing on my screen. They flash and seem to bounce around the screen rather than walk all while not indicating the true direction they're facing. This causes me to die unexpectedly as I think I'm in a safe area. Even against attacks that show a large red AoE of the ground this happens. I'll see the warning show up that a large attack is incoming, I'll move behind the mob and then I still end up getting hit and dying. I had hoped your recent latency patch would solve this but it happens just as often as before. This is not user error by any means and it has 100% stalled my progression through the game. I play as a glass cannon mage and I rely on being able to avoid high damage hits to survive. This bug makes that impossible.

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Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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