Muffled sound after re-spawning from a death using one of the 3 tokens

Whenever I die, the sound goes muffled and echoes which I assume is for effect considering you're on the brink of death and deciding to give up or try again. The problem is, ever since the latest patch, the muffled sounds and echoes stay in affect after you resurrect.

Note: This only affects combat sounds, like spells, enemy sounds, etc. All other sound is normal, like menu and picking up items.

Things I've tried that don't work:

  • Dying and rezzing again
  • Beating boss and moving to next map
  • Resetting sound settings
  • Transforming into of your avatars or whatever they're called

Things that do work and reset the sound:

  • Leveling up, oddly enough. I dinged and the problem went away until my next death
  • Going back to Stormfall

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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