Multiple issues, frustrating enough to give up

  1. I go to create a solo game. I wait. Unable to create game. Try that about 3 times and it randomly makes a game.
  2. I beat the final boss in a coop game, and it crashed immediately after, No prizes from the final battle.
  3. More than once my partner in a coop game has died and I’m unable to click to assist. Then, he flails around the ground for a while. He can teleport to town, as a dead person, and teleport back but does not revive. The only option is the leave the entire game, losing all bonuses. It has also happened to me, see #2.
  4. I play in groups almost exclusively, it’s about as social as I get. But I’m literally sitting next to a group member, in the same physical room, seeing his screen, and it says he’s offline…so we have to both start all new sessions and eventually one of us shows online and can invite the other to a game.
  5. Spell casting is ridiculous. For example, Mark of Impurity can’t be cast while the character is being forced to stand still and about a million times tells me “requires a valid target” when I’m giving it a valid target. Gave up on using it.
  6. When one of my party members dies, or I die, we all fall off each other’s mini maps until we die again; then we all show back up on the mini map.
  7. The DELAY in casting spells is horrendous – I’ve died so many times because I’m hitting 1-2-3-4 or right click and NOTHING happens.
    8.I’m all for a challenge – BUT- each boss has multiple levels which is cool until it gets old…so the final boss had 3 levels and by that point you have no health charges left, no wisdom/rage charges left, and virtually no way to gain any primal essence and when you die and have to start at the beginning it’s enough to quit playing – which I’ve done more times than I can count.
  8. If all the party members die – just stop the timer on ending the quest. When playing in coop you must revive each other, which is total crap, but if all of us die, there isn’t anything we can do. Spare us and just cancel the sequence. We don’t always play the same board, so if I’m in town because I’m picking up everything to sell for gold and my companion is in battle, I can’t revive him before he dies. Little self-sufficiency would be nice.
  9. This game is heavy build requirements, so can you fork over more than 9 gold a drop?
  10. I like not having any durability on the items, that helps when you’re getting, you’re a$$ kicked 15 times in one board because you have to repeat it over and over again.
  11. What is with the portrait menu?! I end up rolling around the screen or practically burning down Stormfall before I can open a trade window. At least teleport can be done with the spacebar+left click on the portrait and get off only 1 or 2 shots.
  12. The selling…right clicking is not the same as left clicking. If I right click, sell it, if I left click pick it up but don’t just do whichever regardless of the buttons. I’ve clicked on something at least 8 times before its sold
  13. I work in IT, application support, and this is full of bugs that have got to be annoying more people than just me. Do you operate a public test realm or beta test ring? I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to play and test and report back, seriously - more than some of us would and do it for other platforms.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Sorry - 1 more - yesterday I played 4 boards where I had ZERO projectiles. I was killing things but couldn't see anything coming from my bow or phantom blades. Eventually I was able to see the projectiles again, but it was during a battle - not a transition or after going to town or anything.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Most of these issues are related to the servers simply being overloaded for now! Play offline.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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