My online game skipped me ahead. Now I am stuck.

So me and my friends got this game last weekend and we got all the way to the end of Chapter 2. after the final boss there we got off. Later in the week one of my buddies continued playing and got all the way to the end of Chapter 3 and he needed help, so I joined him to give him a hand. Now I haven't played the game since I had gotten off before I joined my friend and have not played any of Chapter 3 so I am not nearly as high of a level as my friend. We just keep getting wiped out so we decide to go and play the game with me as the host on my storyline so we could get more XP and beat the game. But when we started the game with me as host, my game started on Act 3 and in the final boss room. I have tried verrifying the files but that didn't fix anything. I have yet to try and join a friend who is at the end of Act 2 because no one has been on since. But is there a way to fix this or a menu that I am not seeing to select what act to play?

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

yes that happening everyone, me and friend tried to get skills rdy at lvl 1, but when we get online we are at act 2 since we used our act 2 characters who had gold :), since shared bank did not work as it should, but now it seem to do.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Does uninstalling the game and re-installing make your online character dissapear?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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