My pc keep crashing playing solo but in party it wont happen.

I bought the game a few days ago with some friends and i have only played in a party of 3 players until the weekend.
The weekend i started to play alone and my PC keep shutting down. Not black screen or frozen pc, it will just shut down.
I have checked temperatures and id doesnt go more than 60 Celsius.
I did a lot of test alone and nothing work, i even re install windows.
When my friends log in we played in a party of 3 and never happened the issue.

Anyone knows anything about it?

Pc specs:
Amd ryzen 2600x
Nvidia geforce gtx970 4gb
16gb ram.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues


Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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