Nearly impossible to hit certain monsters

Hello, i've been enjoying the game a lot since the launch, and for the most part haven't found anything too bad, but the biggest problem is hit detection on certain kinds of monsters. Flying types in general it seems like their position is desynced from what is shown on screen, and any ranged attack goes right through them, while I can equip a sword and attack them with a shift click and kill them instantly. However the most egregious example is late game, theres a tentacle type monster that stands up and summons monsters. 2/3 of my arrows go directly through them and do no damage, and give no hit feedback, while maybe 1 in 3 will do so and do damage. I can get by with some abilities, but Gunslingers Brand is completely ignored by them and is my biggest damager. A quick pass on hit detection for all enemies would be greatly appreciated as this has been the biggest bug I personally have run into and it's been common among everyone I have talked to.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

j'ai eu le même souci. cela arrive très souvent pour les attaque a distance. j ai fais un rapport de bug assez complet sur le sujet mais qui est resté sans réponse. en espérant qu il corrigeront ce bug. Je suis mort bon nombre de fois a cause de ce bug.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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