No Portal After Completing Bounty

This has happened several times over the past day. I finish an expedition or bounty and no portal appears. I know I've completed the bounty because the quest updates with the message, "Exit through the Portal"; however, there is no portal and I cannot open my own portal as I get the message, "You cannot use a town portal here". I am forced to exit the game, lose my rewards for completing the bounty as well as the money spent on the modifiers. This is the type of bug that will make me stop playing completely as it's not worth the effort to complete the maps if you can't get the rewards. I'm sure this has been reported before today but there doesn't seem to be a search function on the bug report page and I have no desire to go through hundreds of bug reports just to add my comment to an existing one.

Replies: 0

Created: 3 years, 8 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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