Offline characters / Online mode


New to the game and really enjoyed it even with it being offline up until i see that my offline character cannot be used online? Why is that please?
I really hope this is some sort of bug as I have put 14 hours into my guy and finally got to the end of the acts and started developing my city. Not to be rude but i do not want to do it all over again and feel if this is the case why wasnt it in a disclaimer when i made an offline character? (only reason offline was played was because of the issues with servers which is a absolute joke).

Could a developer give me a clear indication on what happens next when everything is back up and running properly? If I cannot play my character online after all this I would like a refund to be perfectly honest with you because i really dont have the time to start over again or the patience to grind all that hard work again.

Replies: 6

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

what a stupid question.. you can just ctrl-c ctrl-v characters offline.. and you want to use them online too.. lol

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I agree I dont know why do they make it hard for players at the moment right now I did connect on Online but I cannot Create my Own game Online (sigh) so not playable its like im on lobby trying to connect more than an hour now I wish they could just do offline then useable in Online to prevent this kind of mess if theyre so worried about hacker ban the character or account so I cant be playable.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Online is Online, Offline is Offline.

There is no cross-over, as it should not be.

If offline characters could be taken online. We would run into the same issues that we had back in Diablo 2 with people hacking characters offline and then taking them online to be over powered and cause game imbalances.

Many others, myself included also put many hours into our offline characters. But I knew simply that I would have to start over when servers came back up.

You played 14 hours in a mode that flat out said it was Offline, I see no reason that they should give you a refund.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Stupid question? sort your head out lad if you aint gonna help dont post on like that p**k

secondly offline and online have been features in numerous games that work and are transferable so dont come at me with that crap. Just put it in a place where we can see it ffs. End of the day launch has been a absolute mess no need to not tell us prior offline is offline i mean fk sake thats obvious. stick in a good cheat detector.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

You can just skip the entire story mode if you have a friend in end game. Just join him/her in the story mode in their lobby, go to the scene of the final fight, talk to the guy. Boom endgame unlocked.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I think it should be possible to move char from online into offline ONLY IN THAT WAY.
Till now i spended about 170h in online (only) but due to my poor internet connection i have quite often long time outages which forcing me to playing offline and repeating everything again.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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