[permanent invulnerability][vanishing] Act 3 Boss (spoiler)

Heimlock still goes invulnerable in Phase 3 of the Act 3 boss fight - well more like he just vanishes from the screen permanently and doesn't come back after I get him down to around 1/3 of his health in phase 3.

Anyone else still experiencing a bugged Heimlock fight even after the recent patches?

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

I have no Heimlock (like many other people here on the forum) at all. I was not able to kill him because of the bug in previous patch, and after the current patch he just disappeared. Questlog tells me to go to the endgame mode.. Awesome patch, woohoo.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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