private chest delets items :/

Hey all,

all items i put in my chest vanished... several times. Until now i lost 2 uniques, all my gems and today i even had to unlock the 1st compartment again. Were just 100 gold, but that's not the problem ;)

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

For me too. I just started to play online (because it works today). I was lvl 5 when I find the trading woman outside in a zone. I was happy that she sells an unique onehand sword for lvl 15. I cleared the complete zone to be able to purchase this sword for 3100 G ~. I was happy to have in the end enough gold :-). Because I was to low to wear the sword, I purchased for 100 G the first stash tab and put the sword in it. Unfortunaly, after a relog, the unique was gone and I have again to buy the first stash tab for 100 G. All the outgoing G for the unique and the stash tab are gone.

Its the feeling that is not good. In the beginning, you are happy to have an (overpowered) sword when you get to lvl 15. And after a relog, the feelings changed...

Hope you guys fix the problems asap. Good luck in the bug hunting.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

même chose pour moi. le coffre a été réinitialisé et les cométique et teinture egalement par deux fois...

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

la même chose que geoffrey.rieucos et j ai perdu tous les skin de cosmétique, ainsi que l achat des 2 premiers onglets du coffre qui se sont réinitialisé et dois les racheté.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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