Problem/Issue/Bug? When logging out after respecing passives.

When you respec your Passives with Primordial Affinity, and then logout then log back in, your passives reset back to where they were before the respec, but then you don't regain the Primordial Affinity you spent on it. This has happened twice on two different with two lower level characters that I've made, so this might not be a big issue for those with a lot of primordial affinity, but the fact that this happens still would suck even if you are level 90 because if you have to go to work while you are theory crafting in game, log out to go to work and then come back later to find out that you spent a good amount of Primordial Affinity on nothing, I'd be pretty livid. I hope that the developers see this and find a fix. Thank you, your game is great... except for when this happens lol. Thank you in advance.

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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