Progressing Expeditions Veteran Level

So, from what I gather you can progress your veteran levels by continuing to the next stage until it doesnt let you progress any further and makes you go back to town. Supposedly it is supposed to unlock the next veteran level, however I've completed them a few times now and it won't give me the option to increase the levels. Extremely frustrating as XP drops off hard with monster levels. Any help please? Am I doing it wrong somehow? I know that luring the untainteds will make it so that you can't progress, but even when I dont choose to do the untainteds, it still wont let me progress.

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Hi, I have exactly the same problem, any fix to this??

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

same here

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Same for me as well.

Get through the first 3 levels of Adept, take the portal, get the expedition/quest completed rewards; but the veteran mode still has the "locks" with no selectable starting level.

Just out of curiosity have you all done just a regular Adept with no modifiers / increased MF chance?

I can't remember if I chose just a clean adept run my first time or not. I typically slam some modifier on the mobs to get that juicy MF.
Also I know for a fact I didn't finish all three levels on my first run. I went in to check it out and had to leave for work after finishing the first boss and took the stormfall portal. Maybe that has bugged my char somehow?

Just a few things to consider I guess.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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