UPDATED! Quaffing/Taking a Potion Disabled after trying to reassign 'Q' key


This is still a bug, but I discovered a work around:

The keyboard reassignments are stored in an XML file in your installation location ([install location]/Wolcen/user/profiles/default/actionmaps.xml). I edited this file and removed the keyboard assignment for the 'Q' key. When I restarted the game quaff/drink was working again!

Now, back to campaigning.


After starting Wolcen for the first time I did what I do in most games and tried to reassign my health potion quaff/drink key to the "space" bar.

The "space" bar is assigned to "dodge" by default, so I tried to reassign it to the 'Q' key. I received a warning that the 'Q' was already assigned, but it did assign 'Q' to dodge, which worked, BUT I then realized that you cannot reassign the quaff/drink a potion action so I tried to reassign the "space" bar to dodge.

From this moment on I was:
-unable to use the 'Q' key to quaff/drink a potion
- Resetting key assignments did not fix the problem
- Exiting and restarting did not fix the problem
- Creating a new character did not fix the problem
- Uninstalling and reinstalling the game did NOT fix the problem

I am now basically dead in the water since trying to play the game without a health potion basically... sucks

If there is any work around for this I would love to hear it so that I can try the game.


Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Indeed, there seems to be an issue with a few keys of the keyboard, we're working on this, thank you very much for the report!

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

I have a Problem with keybinding to.
I tried to switch the keys for skills and potions. Q <--> 1. I can change skill1 to Q, but as soon as I change belt1 to 1 afterwards, it undos to first change.

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

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