Quest Progession, Online, Dropouts

Not sure is this is a bug or a techincal issue so please feel free to move it wherever.

Started with a fresh install and a new character to try out all of the updates. Also decided to do this all ONLINE.

Have not been able to progress much past meeting the first Drake NPC.

First time I met him, got the next Way Point, ported back to town using the Way Point, sold my gear. Logged out. When I came back all that progession had been lost and was back to having just finished the initial battle with the Green Hero Creature that attacks at the end of the wave when getting the first quest out of the town.

Second time, started from there, met the guy with the Drake. Got to right where the first Trail(?) was at the entrace to the next level(?) game kicked me out.

Haven't tried again, yet.

Replies: 1

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Exactly same problem.

Yesterday, I leave the game on secondary waypoint (Sviir Cave Network). Today, I see progression not saved.
Today, I kill Sirkis, Bane of the Storm. I back to town and I leave the game. I restart the game 1h after and progression is always on "Reach th Sviir Cave Network"

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

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