Quests ended

I was close to the end of the questline in act 3. Since a friend told me he had items for me, I joined his game. Afterwards my questline was broken.
I cannot complete my questline anymore now. The only thing I can do now is to start with the champion of stormfall.
So the progress of my friend overwrote mine. And that sucks. Please fix that bug!

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Same with me.
I was at the absolute beginning of the act act 3 and said to myself, hey lets try to play act3 public. joined the game and was ported to the last end act boss quest. left the game cause cause no im not gonna skip the storyline, started private game and guess what yeah fuck me all waypoints unlocked and quests skipped to last one.
thx cant play the game

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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