Salvatory Anchor

This node's regeneration seems to be disabled, i have tested it with a 900 es chest, 135 life/489es chest. both thies do not actually do anything.
As for the minor node after is that applies to helmets does not regenerate with a hybrid helmet, and grants no es regeneration with a full es helmet.
the resistance bonus of the nodes seem to work correctly, and seems like the only part of the nodes that actualy work.

If anny one have more information, i'm all ears

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Indeed, the regeneration seems to only work after equiping and unequiping the chest armor multiple times whit for some reasons also sometimes give me more health. The regen goes away sometimes after changing zones too so you have to constently equip and unequip your gear

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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