Serious Game Breaking Act 3 Boss Bug Heimlock lock-up

Love this game.
Kept playing through all the server issues and all the bugs during launch.
Have put 60 hours into this game since launch.
Seriously all I can think about all day at work is getting home to play this game even through all the problems and bugs.
But in Act 3 to beat the game you have to kill the end boss.
And he gets bugged if you hit him at the wrong time. (I'm DoT build so I'm just fucked)
He doesn't take damage, he doesn't attack, you can't go to town, the game is essentially locked.
You have to leave and start all over again every. single. time.
I've tried, and failed, to kill him about 6 times now.
With friends, without freinds, alone, nothing works.
I've researched and found that hundreds of other players have had this problem.
For days now people have been completely unable to progress in the game because of this bug.
The really fun part of Wolcen is actually AFTER you beat the game, and because of this you can't even do that.
I really hope the devs understand how big of a problem this is and how badly they need to fix it ASAP.
Seriously after all the problems this is the only one I have actually been extremely aggravated with and I almost do not even want to play this game again.
Fix the bug. Help a huge percent of your player population actually be able to play the rest of the game and experience the fun.

Replies: 4

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

I can kill him for you if you wish. add banana.7430 if you want me to assist. :)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

pareil ils est buggé faut faire sont travail le débuggé c est tous

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Atleast i am not alone in this.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Uninstalling and reinstalling the game fixes this.... or you can have someone high level kill it for you super fast.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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