Several Bugs and Observations

Hi, what I am writing is certainly not new and I just want to get the Wolcen team to give more attention to this issues. I have bought the game while it was still in Beta and firstly want to congratulate the team on releasing the game. I've played the game at launch and my experience of the game so far doesn't seem to be more than a glorified Beta state and here's some issues I think why:
1-For me the turn off of the game is the combat and gameplay itself. It's too clunky, too much, the game shouldn't have been released like this and it feels very unready (I am playing a dual wield gunslinger):
1.1-Since I am a ranged character i need to reposition often, why can't I do so? Weel first off, hit boxes, they seem too large, both the characters' and the enemies', when playing expeditions for example, I easily get stuck between packs of mobs because you decided that it was a good idea to spawn enemies behind the character. So I try to walk out, I can't (most of the times), because when I select the floor I immediatly start attacking a mob or crate and stay in place, when i finally start walking the enemies are already too close, now too keep myself alive I need either spam the health potion, or spam my disengage, because it takes too long for an action( say a dodge roll or a skill) to stop my auto attacks. Sometimes I manage to disengage successfully which brings me to the next point.
1.2-Telegraphing attacks, horrible, sometimes you don't see them, they are too transparent and the attack radius is not what the telegraph says (for example, the war turtle aoe arround it, always hits me, when my dodge doens't trigger). The alpha skviir's charge also bad telegraphed and the animation does not correspont to the attack pattern, sometimes I just see it teleporting and I'm dead.
1.3-What's wrong with stairs and ramps? It is realistic that one would take more time going up or down stairs, but why not normalize the speed? It feels weird (combining it with the characters lack of speed this is really annoying, not game breaking or rage inducing, just annoying)
1.4-Correct me if I'm wrong but I was certain the team said something in a post one day saying that they would modify the skills appearances depending on the weapon they are using. I understand that the warpath skill summons a shield, because you don't make the player use one for the skill. But why do I summon a bow out of nowhere when I use wailling arrows? I'm using 2 guns, it's very strange, I would say that it breaks the immersion but at least it breaks the way I see my character.
1.5-This one I haven't experienced myself but heard a lot of people talking about it and I know the team is working on it so it's just a note. Skill Balance, don't make people use only one set of skills just because it's better, because we will.
2-That NPC that appears in the story and sells odd items, don't remember her name, is she programmed to appear in mandates and expeditions? I've never seen her, and in my campaign walkthrough I saw her 3 times.
3-Jewel scarabs are hard to kill, I know it's intended but it's impossible with some builds, mine for example, I stop whenever I attack and he gets out of range for my skills, maybe slow it down a bit?

For now this it all I can remeber I'll be sure to update the Thread when I have more. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

Replies: 2

Created: 3 years, 12 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

I fully agree with you, I also experiance these things and the most annoying is that some Bosses hit you once with a glitch and you die from God knows what.
I have invested a LOT of hours in the game as it is fantastic BUT the loot drops even do not make sense... you would kill BOSSES and they give nothing, then you kill a stupid monster and you get 2 purple items.

I also had to change from an Archer to an AOE mage link:

Which is now AMAZING but they will need to update their content, it feels like money was made and now it is just a game.


Created: 3 years, 12 months ago

Just a little feedback:

1.1 - This problem can easily be solved by using a force-move button (I use control, since shift is my force attack). When held instead of attacking, you only move. This doesn't mean that you can't still be blocked by enemies, but at least you won't get stuck attacking them when you want to move. Adding the passive node in Assassin called Slipping Shadow to your tree allows your active dodge to go THROUGH enemies. I highly recommend adding that skill if you want to keep moving without interruption. I do hope that they don't change the massive spawns of enemies from the ground, nor turn off that they can seem to spawn around or behind you. I don't recall this mechanic from any of the other ARPGs that I have played and I think that it is a nice unique touch.

1.2 - I am with you on the telegraphing of attacks, but mostly because there seems to be a bug where the orientation of bosses or other champion monsters doesn't update and thus the enemy charges at you sideways when you thought you were safe. It is kind of funny right up until it kills you.

1.3 - I have literally never noticed this before. It is an interesting observation though.

1.4 - This was probably on their list of quality of life upgrades that they plan to release with the next major patch. The patch however, was put on the back-burner while they work on fixing all of the bugs in the meantime (which to me at least makes far more sense).

1.5 - I agree, but I think that a large part of the problem is that some of the most exciting keystone nodes in the passive trees aren't functioning correctly or at all (especially things like Hungry Stalactite and Safe From Afar for ranged characters). If they can fix those, I am betting that a lot more build variety will end game viable without even touching the active skills.

2 - Fate Adjucatrix Zeitgeist is definitely still accessible in both message board levels and expediations, but I must admit that after the last patch, her frequency seems to have dropped considerably (though it might just be because she no longer is showing the vendor icon on the minimap (which is a bug I think they are working on).

3 - Following the suggestion I gave in 1.1 should help with this A LOT. I know that the bugs (scarabs?) tend to run quickly and immediately upon seeing you and after that it is chase time. I actually don't mind that and rarely have any trouble catching up to them as after their quick burst, they actually just stop and stand still for a bit. I recommending adding a crowd controlling skill. I use Phantom Blades with 100% slow and it is stuck there for the duration of the skill (some reapplications may be necessary) or until I (or the people I play with) either kill it or it disappears from us taking too long. It has only been a couple of times recently where a bug has gotten away and both of those situations were lag induced due to me having an older PC.

Created: 3 years, 12 months ago

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