Skill Bladestorm malfunction


-While spinning, no damage is ticking.
(my friend says, im not spinning at all on his screen, while on my screen i am)

-While spinning, can't move. but dmg is ticking.
(Tested in in many ways to be sure im not just stuck in obstacles or such, and i was not)

-Not scaling with attack speed on gear/skills/attributes(it does scale, but by spending all points and gear into attack spd and just getting like 5% increased tickrate while 50% atk spd pylon scales it to like more than double the tickrate.


-While spinning, no damage is ticking.
(my friend says, im not spinning at all on his screen, while on my screen i am)

-While spinning, can't move. but dmg is ticking.
(Tested in in many ways to be sure im not just stuck in obstacles or such, and i was not)

-Not scaling with attack speed on gear/skills/attributes(it does scale, but by spending all points and gear into attack spd and just getting like 5% increased tickrate while 50% atk spd pylon scales it to like more than double the tickrate.

Seems to be a Online/withfriends thing with the first two bugs.
I haven't had this problem in the last 4 hours in Online/Solo.

The scaling thing still is there. really curios if this is wanted or not.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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