Smugglers Path Clipping into ground

Essentially, I was progressing with the game, but when I reached the smuggler's path, I couldn't enter. So I returned to the main menu, reloaded, and after that I was able to enter. However, when I actually got into the smuggler's path, I double clicked to start moving during the character dialog, and some weird stuff started happening. The move effect when you click (like the blue arrow things) stopped appearing and my character started clipping into the ground when I tried to move. I could manuever around a bit, but something is blocking me and prevents me from moving past certain points. Additionally, I can actually get out of the ground, but the move icons still don't really appear and I cant move past certain points. I recorded some gameplay of the problem which can be found here:
Its worth noting that I am clicking pretty much the entire time so any time I'm not really moving is because the game is not letting me.

After fully restarting the game, the issue seems to have resolved itself and I am once again able to play the game.

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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