Some Quality of Life bugs

Hello guys, unfortunately I've experienced some bugs in the game.

1: Sometimes when I open the inventory and I move the cursor to an item it doesn't do anything until I click on the tab. So inventory window should be "active" all the time when player opens it.
2: At the merchant lot of the time I need to click 2-3x on an item to sell because it didn't sell it for the first click. Also, buttons would be great to sell all the items from one rarity.

And at last which is not a bug, I hope that this Companion Shrines won't be change the original Familiar System what You guys promised on the Kickstarter campaing. I hope You work on this system and will add to the game at a later time because that would much better than this companion spawns at some locations.

Thanks if You read and fix/answer it. :)

UPDATE: The 2. issue which was the selling bug is fixed with the latest patch.

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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