Spawned Monster Levels Too/Stash duping items.

I just want to say I am truly enjoying this patch. If you continue on this path with cool customizing passive nodes and alot more uniques, I think your game will have a lot of build making. Now on another note, as I was going through veteran mode, I noticed that monsters that get spawned by other creatures(zombies from floating undead mob, dogs from hound master and crystal guys from big guardian, probably more...) are about 20 levels higher than the rest of the mobs you are fighting. It took me awhile to realize why out of no where I was getting one shot. That really needs to be fixed cause its making my progression at a stand still(veteran 7 atm).
Next issue is yesterday 7/2/19, I noticed in my stash a new unique amulet went missing, then a ring, shoulder piece, legendary 3 socketed dagger and more. Turns out I had 2 more duplicets of my Apex and poison ring. Not sure what else was transformed in my stash. So yea items in stash seem to transform into other items in my stash. Not sure of the chain of events that lead to this but its definitely happening.
Once again thank you for showing some promising work with this game and I hope I get to see more soon. But please fix bugs like this and the not be able to respawn after death bugs. Work on loading screens as well.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 10 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

We have a candidate fix for the stash disappearing/duping issue, but it's not the first that we try and we're not sure it's going to work. It will be pushed tomorrow.
Regarding the creatures level, it's definitely fixed tomorrow :)

Thank you for your report and your feedback sssfame1981!

Created: 4 years, 10 months ago

Awesome, thank you so much for the quick response and action taken as well.

Created: 4 years, 10 months ago

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