Spell continues to cast despite not pressing key-bind.

Spell Used: Annihilation

Resolution: 2560 X 1440 (Borderless Windowed)

Steps to Reproduce: Hold down your keybind (Right Click for me) to cast Annihilation and while casting, hover over the toolbar in the bottom where spells are located. Once you're over the toolbar, let go of the casting button and observe that the character continues to cast the spell until you're out of Willpower.

Related Bugs: Left click on a button or hold shift to compare items will move your character despite the menu being in focus. I have my shift bounded to Force Move and if I try to compare my items to what's equipped, my characters moves wherever my cursor is when I press shift. This happens with other keybinds. Perhaps movement should be halted if cursor is over a menu?

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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