Spells and attacks not doing damage

Just started playing the game after buying it on release date (computer issues caused me to be unable to play very much). Still seeing a lot of issues with my spells and attacks not hitting monsters. The arrow connects and disappears, the SFX are there and everything but nothing happens to the monster. This is really causing problems when taking down big mobs or bosses. Sometimes it helps to cast a different spell or do an escape roll but it doesn't work every time. Sometimes it's resolved when the monster is moving but starts acting up again when it stops

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

As far as I can tell, this seems to happen a lot when server lag is happening (usually peak hours). I've personally found it better the last day or two, but it still has bad times. Some servers seem worse than others too. For ex:, a friend and I play on Central Canada or US West (Oregon) depending on who hosts the game. Oregon usually is pretty good, Central Canada runs crappy, in spite of having a good ping.

This is probably the worst part about the game.. it can be really frustrating.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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