Spike damage

damage seems to be very spikey. i have just over 11k force and 6k health and a mini boss and main dungeon bosses are prone to 1 shot kill me. Sometimes its a boss skill i should dodge, but sometimes its a skill i didn't even see. like an invisable blue ball or shockwave i didnt see.

Also I seem to pull perma threat in our two man group. even with my partner having the extra threat shout

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

I am level 71 melee focused , with 60k hp and about 3-3,5k resistances which reduce all damage about 50% , i'm currently at expedition level 107 out of 130 , and all end level bosses one shot me , that i why i quit playing the game 4 days ago , i will wait until the game is balanced and fixed and come back in a few months..i'm done trying with this.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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