Staff Basic attack misses a lot!!!

I feel like the projectile from Staff Basic attack misses way too often. I don't know if the enemies have "dodge" (it doesn't show MISS) or the projectiles simply just get blocked by terrain/pathing issue. Can you please look into it? Lightning Strike bounces too but it connects and hits smoothly.

And while you are at it, can you make the Projectiles spread out more so we know how many are coming out? Sometimes it looks like it's just one projectile after you took +1 Projectile from passive. And if I took Pugilist Momentum, I should see 4 Projectiles but most of the time I don't see them. :( Please improve the projectile graphics.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Looks to me that ALL projectiles have a huge bug or something because i play a ice bow build that relys heavily on aa and its useless as hell cuz you can shoot like 9 times and not land a single attack with pierce lmao

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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