Stash and tabs

Im sure this is not the first thread about this issue, nor will it be the last. But...these reports will come until issues are fixed!

On two-2 occasions have I now experienced that Stash tab 2 which I purchased for 20000 credits disappeared....I have not repurchased it a third time. On the second occasion, all the items I had in stash tab 2 disappeared of course.
Additionally, Stash tab 1 was wiped clean of all my recent their place a random assortement of older items I had already sold appeared!
As a consequence of this, it is safe to say the game is unplayable in online mode. We simply cannot trust your databases to hold, or distribute data safely! This is a MAJOR issue, and a MAJOR let down. It is such a crucial component in gameplay, yet you seem to fail to realize its that you have said it was fixed, but yet it is not.
Your workaround appears to be to have your customers having to log in and out/restart game completely. I can confirm that this does NOT work, as the situation remains the same still for me!
The situation is completely intolerable....we as customers need to see major contribution on you the Devs part to solve this, and....reimburse those of your players that have spent credits/lost items/dyes&skins!

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Back report that after todays patch the stash tab 2 is still missing, along with the items.
Thank you for the patch, but please put some priority to this as well....the character logs should hopefully enable you to see the purchases, items, and empower you to fix the issue. I am sure I am not alone in this!

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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