Steam's succes

Hello !

Yeah, I have played Wolcen in duo with a friend the whole game. We have played this game without dying once but "Finish ACT III without dying" succes didn't come out. My friend got it but not me and I repeat, we did the whole game together making sure none of us died...
Now, I can't continue playing on that character because we want the "Reach lvl 90 without dying succes" but I also have 0 motivation to create a new one and play the whole game again because of a bug (?)
I guess there is no solution for me and that's really sad.
I really love Wolcen but that's too much for me.
So people, good luck if you are playing like me and friend, maybe Wolcen won't reward you for the 30h+ tryharding as fuck through the whole game.
May the luck be with you.

A sad soul.
"Never give up on familly" he said...

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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