Stuck in a tree and every day get disconnected

It's highly frustrating that every day around 7pm EST my husband and I get disconnected, usually when we're on 3rd map of expeditions trying to progress. This time we were at 82% monster completion on third map and BOOM. Gone. Maybe not have a disconnect that is NOT our fault cause us to lose all progress?

I also used a map, and low and behold, during that I ended up stuck in a tree somehow. Yes a tree. Above the battle field. Unable to get down at all. I tried everything, the mage teleport skill, my warrior flying jump skill, dodging, attempting to attack targets below me. Nothing worked. My husband whose build literally depends on my ability to hold aggro attempted to complete the map. He got squished and died. Of course, I couldn't revive him. So that map became a wash too.

Also another time I fell through like, four dungeons while playing, just watched them all race past me and ended up on a floor that was checker boarded while my husband - again - had to try and complete the dungeon. But guess what? I was the party leader so he couldn't leave the dungeon! I made him party leader, and still - it wouldn't let him progress.

I don't mind the random things like my whirlwind skill not always hitting enemies and I just spin for the aesthetic. I don't mind the random sound glitches that make it sound like I'm using a skill I'm not. I don't mind things that glitch but don't stop me from playing. Please - I really enjoy this game, but the game breaking glitches are just... too problematic!

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Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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