Tab box still comes up, critical hit score, WTF? and clicking through menus

Hey guys. Love the progress you've made, BUT.. Even with these bugs still dying toi play more, but I think I'm going to take a break, again.

So, What the heck is up with critical score? I have two items that are supposed to add +7% to critical score, dual wield daggers that are suppoised to add 20%, and they add NOTHING. Unacceptable. As I level up, my critical chance has gone down 10%. I've never seen anything like this in any other game. If this is a mechanic, it NEEDS TO BE EXPLAINED THOROUGHLY! Because it's extremely maddening.

Simple things, like I have the tab used for active dodge instead of swapping the map feature, but weither way there is a REALLY annoying yellow rectangle that keeps popping up when using tab, extremely annoying andf distracting during battle.

When you get rewards for a quest and the reward choice rectangle comes up, the GAME SHOULD PAUSE!! Same if you hit the ESC key, PAUSE!! It SZXTILL clicks through the menu as well!! These are alpha type bugs!! COME ON GUYS!!! You're killing me here. I can;t recommend thids game in this state. I love playing it, I WANT to play it more, but I just can't anymore, not like this. Extremely frustrating. Especially the unorthodox / broken critical score / chance thing that doesn't change or goes down with leveling up.. WTF??? Impossible for me to make a crit chance build like this. And item drops.. Going for force shield on my rogue, but the MAJORITY of gold items I find are the melee type with resistance. No bueno. I get to the point of throwing my hands up and saying "DONE!" I don't want to do this. Been playing this since your first early access days, and these bugs are killing me.

Also, quality of life, make the map COMPLETELY viewable, maybe highlight where you've been? Make the view items toggle PERMANENT!! SO tired of item names fading off. Also very annoying.

Honestly LOVE what's not broken. Really want this to get going, been years. Literally. Love your work, beautiful and fun game with SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!! Please fix this stuff, and keep up the great work!!! Happy Holidays, devs.

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Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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