The bugs have been surviving for a long time

This game was too bad when it released in February, so i went offline i wait for this momment, Bloodtrail!, and yeah, the bugs still chasing me such as: sound bugs (sometimes some skills, sound effect don't have sound), game crash, stuck at lv.43 Veteran (i did all 3 levels of Adept), graphics bug, bad fps (at low settings i7 6700, gtx 1060 6gb, 16gb ram), the control settings and graphic settings are pretty bad (i can't change shortcut, i can't change to Borderless Window because it keep changing to Fullscreen. I don't really know how long i need to wait for those bugs to disapear, should i keep waiting for this game to fix bugs or i just give up?

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Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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