They robbed me of my gold accumalated by honest trading

Whats is this for shit companny releasing a half arsed finished game.

I been spending hours and hours grinding dungeons to get awesome loot which i then sold to highest bidder. Now my gold stashed is reduced from 200m to 500k what the fuck, i didnt even used any exploits.

Ddidnt even knew there were gold exploits until i read latest patch notes. So i am being punished now cos other ppl used an exploit. :(

Replies: 5

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues


Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

The only reason why people bought your gear for millions is because they used exploits to begin with, it's like saying "The people who pay me are thieves but i want to keep the money they gave me" Grow up and think for a second, it would destroy the economy.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago


Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

The only reason why people bought your gear for millions is because they used exploits to begin with, it's like saying "The people who pay me are thieves but i want to keep the money they gave me" Grow up and think for a second, it would destroy the economy.

mizquits Original Comment

how is it my fault though? i onlky get double punished, 1 i lost my items and 2 i lost my gold.

How am i supposed to be awere of every glith the game has when there is to many to count.

They didnt give me back my sold items, that would have been fair. The list of bugs only grows with each patch they do instead of that it decreases. i am done with this shit game.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

how is it my fault though? i onlky get double punished, 1 i lost my items and 2 i lost my gold.

How am i supposed to be awere of every glith the game has when there is to many to count.

They didnt give me back my sold items, that would have been fair. The list of bugs only grows with each patch they do instead of that it decreases. i am done with this shit game.

Asgardian Original Comment

They have your money, that's all they wanted.

I suggest you report the game to steam as not working properly, as it doesn't.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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