Threat Generation not all.

Threat generation and aggro is not working at all. No matter the situation I cannot maintain, or pull threat of any kind. I modified all my skills to generate max threat and nothing. The enemy doesn't even blink as it pounds on my teammates and totally ignores me. I can literally spam my threat building skills and nothing changes. I can run in first and beat on a boss for a bit and as soon as my teammates show up it drops all aggro and I can never get it back. What is the point of building a tank type class and having threat generating modifiers on skill sets if they do nothing? Please look into this as it very frustrating to chase enemies around and spend modifiers on threat to no avail as it smashes and kills squishier teammates. I have removed all the threat modifiers off my skills as it is currently a waste and they do nothing.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

we use the fat tanky pet with my friend on bosses and it works just fine if we let it taunt before blasting dps. it's kinda meh for clearing areas but definitely worth it on bosses

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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