Town Vault Inventory reverting to beginning of Act when moving to next Act

Twice this has happened since the patch.
My Town Vault Inventory is reverting back to what it was at the beginning of the old Act when moving on to a new Act.
This happened when I went from Act 1 to Act 2, inventory reverting to beginning of Act 1 (while in Act 2).
Then again when I went from Act 2 to Act 3, inventory reverting to beginning of Act 2 (while in Act 3).

NOTE: This can be fixed by simply logging to character select screen and logging your character back in. The inventory will be where it should be.
Obviously this certainly needs to be addressed, but this "Band Aid" fix should help until then.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Had same problem. When I went from act 1 to act 2 i had to buy Tab 1 in my personal stash. And i CANT fix it by reloging my character. I've tried it twice (once restarting whole game). At the end i just bought tab 1 and all my items from personal stash are gone (including Unique sword from last boss in act 1)

I think this should be fixed ASAP.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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