Unable to Save Offline! I've lost two characters thus far.

I've lost two characters thus far while attempting to play this game in offline mode, the game simply put refuses to save at any point, and I find that odd because it saved just fine in the early access. At this point I just want to be able to play the game full stop so I've steered clear of online mode for the time being.

My name does include a foreign letter (lowercase å, uppercase Å if it helps.) and I've heard that this can cause problems, I've attempted to follow the advice of people here on the forum with no results, seeing as there's no real way to bypass my username aside from manually changing it, which would feel wrong to me on so many levels given how its also my actual name. The thought of changing it even temporarily feels utterly wrong to me.

In all my years of gaming on steam, I've never before faced such a ridicolous dilemma, I hope you can fix this problem soon because I really want to play your game but as it currently stands the program simply wont allow me to.

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

They have your money, they don't care if you play or not.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Alas it could be any number of things considering it is an issue only some people are having. I personally have had no problems with save characters(knock on wood). My character names are all basic alphabet and i typically return to town and sell before shutting down the game, always through the escape menue and never forcing game to close.

system specs
GTX Titan X Maxwell
3440x1440 screen resolution
Samsung 970 evo pro 240gb ssd

I do not have any background processes like geforce experience or any other gamefronts like origin or epic games store.

Perhaps low spec systems are having a tougher time with the game? Im sure a non ssd install of the game would be quite painful to play given how the game loads itself.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

My characters name is in regular latin letters and my computer is a fairly expensive computer dedicated to gaming, I usually exit through the main menu but it makes no difference, the game flatly refuses to save. I can manually add savefiles to the folder and they work fine, but nothing i do ingame carries over.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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