unfinishable expeditions with maps


I started a map expedition and i had to kill some beta spawner thingys.
So first there have been no red skulls which should mark them, but thats not the main problem, u can easyli find them.

My Problem was: I killed every single mob on the map, and the q was still active.
Well luckily i added some modifyers and after some search and lookouts i saw a boss modifier under the surface of the map.
So i went there, in the middle of the circle, i started my skills and... well i killed a mob under the map.

That was the last beta spawner and the portal opened.

Took me about 15 mins to find the mob...


Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

I see this all the time where enemies spawn off the map. In some cases you can reach them with attacks if you mess around enough but in many cases they are unkillable and you can't complete the expedition. Super annoying. I also see many cases where the indicators to show the direction of where the enemies to kill are are just not there. That seems to happen pretty much at random.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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